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Meet Amazing Americans 領袖與政治人物 波卡洪塔斯 (Pocahontas)
Pocahontas is baptized

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波卡洪塔斯的父親因拒付贖金,使她被英國人當人質囚禁一年之久。但這位印地安公主深受俘虜者的喜愛及尊敬,因此備受禮待。在那段時間,殖民說服她改信基督教,她受洗成為「蕾貝卡」 (Rebecca) 。1614 年的 4 月,波卡洪塔斯嫁給殖民羅爾夫。這段婚姻有助於結束波瓦坦人及殖民之間的戰爭。她是兩種族間的和平統一象徵。英國人也希望她的改信基督教能有助於說服所有族人一起改信基督教。您知道波卡洪塔斯接下來還做了那些事嗎?

Her father refused to pay the ransom, and Pocahontas was held hostage by the English for a year. But the Indian princess was well liked and respected by her captors, and she was well treated. During that time, the colonists convinced her to convert to Christianity, and she was baptized with the name "Rebecca." In April 1614, Pocahontas married colonist John Rolfe. The marriage helped end the war between the Powhatans and the settlers. She was a symbol of peace and union between the two races. The English also hoped that her conversion to Christianity would help persuade all her people to do the same. Do you know what Pocahontas did next?

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