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Meet Amazing Americans 領袖與政治人物 潘興 (John Joseph Pershing)
An angry General Pershing stomps a nest of rattlesnakes, called bandits and 'villistas,' followers of Pancho Villa
生氣的潘興將軍正在重踏代表惡棍及維拉幫 (villistas,即由Pancho Villa 組成的組織) 的響尾蛇巢穴

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Pershing's troops were not allowed to enter any town in Mexico without permission of the mayor; they could not use major roads; and they had to cooperate with government forces. These restrictions made it nearly impossible to find Villa and his men. After 11 months, Pershing's troops were called home without a victory over the clever Villa. This was one battle Pershing did not win.

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