
(Pancho Villa)

1916年3月9日時,維拉的七位部下騎馬來到新墨西哥的哥倫布市,他們殺了18名美國人,還放火燒了市鎮;維拉對哥倫布市充滿了憤怒,因為該市的兩名商人無法交出他已付款所購買的武器。威爾遜總統 (Woodrow
Wilson) 派潘興將軍進行報復,但因為一些無法控制的因素,潘興將軍無法達成此次任務。您能猜到導致這次任務失敗的原因是什麼嗎?
On March 9, 1916, several of Villa's followers rode into Columbus, New Mexico, and killed 18 Americans and burned the town. Villa was furious with the town because two merchants there had failed to deliver weapons for which he had already paid. President Woodrow Wilson sent General Pershing to retaliate. Forces beyond the general's control caused him to fail. Can you guess what those forces were?
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