本來身為老師,任教於密蘇里州的約翰約瑟潘興 (John
Joseph Pershing) ,某日無意中看見一張報紙上的公告,因此決定到位於紐約西點市 (West
Point) 的美國軍事學校 (U.S.
Military Academy) 試試身手。在學的最後一年,他被選為隊長,獲得帶領學員部隊的榮譽。稍後,在古巴及墨西哥戰爭中,他的軍中職位及戰鬥經驗讓他得到了許多寶貴知識。第一次世界大戰時,約翰潘興將軍被任命為歐洲戰區的美國派遣軍 (AEF:American
Expeditionary Force) 司令官。戰後,他被擢升為陸軍將軍,一個只有喬治華盛頓曾擔任過的職位。他將他餘生的大部分時間花在完成他的回憶錄「我在世界大戰中的經歷」 (My
Experiences in the World War) 上,這本書在1932年獲普立茲獎。
John Joseph Pershing began his career as a schoolteacher in Missouri when a notice in the paper inspired him to give the U.S. Military Academy at West Point in New York a try. By his last year, he had earned the honor of being chosen first captain of the Corps of Cadets. His later military postings and combat experiences in places such as Cuba and Mexico provided him with valuable knowledge. During the First World War General John Pershing was the commander of the American Expeditionary Force (AEF) in Europe. After the war he was promoted to general of the armies, a position previously held only by George Washington. Toward the end of his life he spent a great deal of time writing his memoirs, My Experiences in the World War, which won the Pulitzer Prize for history in 1932.