
(Linn County)

出生於密蘇里州拉克利德 (Laclede) 的約翰潘興原先是位老師。某天看到了報紙上的一份公告,進而決定向紐約的西點軍校提出申請。他1882年進入軍校就讀;雖然就學的第一年,他必須努力於困難的課程,但潘興卻決心要成功。到了學生生涯的最後一年,他被選為學員部隊的隊長。這項榮譽代表了潘興是最受老師及同儕尊敬的學生。
John Pershing was born in Laclede, Missouri, and he started out as a schoolteacher. One day he saw a notice in the newspaper that urged him to apply to the U.S. Military Academy at West Point in New York. He entered the Academy in 1882, and although he struggled during his first year with the difficult coursework, Pershing was determined to succeed. In his final year he was selected first captain of the Corps of Cadets. This honor meant that Pershing was the most respected student among his teachers as well as his fellow cadets.
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