死於: 1819年5月8日
又名卡米哈米哈大帝 (Kamehameha
the Great) 的國王卡米哈米哈一世(King
Kamehameha I)是一個統治夏威夷群島近一世紀的王朝首長(同一家族內的統治權繼任者)
。據傳他的出生時間與哈雷彗星 (Halley's
comet) 的出現相符,因而預示了他勢必成為偉人。卡米哈米哈這個名字(它的發音如下:kuh-may-ha-may-ha)意即「與眾人不同」。
King Kamehameha I, also known as Kamehameha the Great, was the head of a dynasty (a succession of rulers from the same family) that ruled the Hawaiian islands for more than a century. Legend has it that he was born at the time of the appearance of Halley's comet and that this was a sign that he would rise to greatness. The name Kamehameha (pronounced kuh-may-ha-may-ha) means "the one set apart."