夏威夷是美國境內唯一曾由國王統治且統治者還是當地人的州。在這些國王中,最著名的一位是卡米哈米哈一世,又名卡米哈米哈大帝。卡米哈米哈出生不久,祭司就警告他的祖父阿拉沛國王 (King
Alapai) ,這個剛出生的小孩是個「反叛嬰兒」,他將屠殺各首領。聽從祭司的建議後,國王下令殺掉這個剛出生的嬰孩;然而,祭司們將國王的孫子,這個卡米哈米哈嬰孩藏在一個洞穴內並交由一對沒有孩子的夫婦秘密的扶養長大。
Hawaii is the only state in America that was once ruled by a king who was also a native. The most famous of these kings was Kamehameha I, also known as Kamehameha the Great. Shortly after Kamehameha was born, a priest warned his grandfather, King Alapai, of the birth of a "rebel infant" who would be a slayer of chiefs. Taking the priest's advice, the King ordered that his grandchild be killed upon birth. Instead, priests hid the King's grandson, the infant Kamehameha, in a cave, and he was raised in secret by a childless couple.
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