
正在製造用來「採靈魂的指紋」 (fingerprint
a spirit) 的手部模型的胡迪尼
a spirit"
下一個胡迪尼要揭發的騙局則較為複雜。當時的人們會舉行召靈大會 (séances:為與死人溝通的超自然聚會)
The next kind of fraud that Houdini worked to expose was a little more complicated. At that time, people held séances (spiritual meetings to communicate with the dead) where spiritual hands of dead people would appear and leave fingerprints. This kind of fraud was known as "fingerprinting a spirit." What happened was the person committing the fraud would make a mold of a dead person's hand. Then, during a séance with the dead person's relatives, fingerprints from the hand would mysteriously appear. Why do you think it was important to Houdini to expose this kind of behavior?