胡迪尼的事業是建立在戲法及幻象上 (自鍊子的綑綁中脫逃及讓大象消失) ,但他也對揭發騙局很有興趣,他向大家展示人們是多麼容易受到誘騙,進而相信不存在的事物。他特
Houdini built his career on creating tricks and illusions--freeing himself from chains and making an elephant disappear. He was also interested in exposing fraud and showing how people could be tricked into believing something was real when it wasn't. He was especially critical of the production of "spirit photographs" in which the ghost of a well-known figure appeared to be present with someone. To demonstrate his point, Houdini had himself photographed with the ghost of Abraham Lincoln. Of course it wasn't really Lincoln--it was trick photography. What other kinds of things do you think he tried to expose?