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Meet Amazing Americans 運動員與表演者 胡迪尼 (Harry Houdini)
Houdini wearing a hand mold.

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胡迪尼跟他的母親非常親近,因此當她過世時,他幾乎崩潰。他揭發這些詭計的原因之一就是因為想要阻止人們佔悲傷親人的便宜。另一個原因則是因為這種騙局通常都涉及大 筆金錢在內。在一個案例中,胡迪尼表示一旦認出死於兩年前的男人指紋,則$500,000 馬上到手。因為胡迪尼勇於挑戰這種型式的騙局並證明他們的不可信賴,所以他建議人們不要眼睛看到任何東西就相信。

Houdini was very close to his mother and when she died, he was devastated. One reason he wanted to expose this kind of deception was because he wanted to prevent people from taking advantage of grieving relatives. Another reason was because there was big money involved in this kind of deception. In one case, Houdini said that $500,000 "changed hands upon the recognition of the fingerprints of a man who had died two years before." Because Houdini challenged these kinds of deceptions and proved that they were unreliable, he suggested that people should not believe everything they see.
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