紐約行後,野牛比爾回到位於內布拉斯加的家中並決定要加入演藝界試試。內德邦特萊因編寫劇本,然後他們兩人一起編導了「原野斥候」 (The
Scouts of the Plains)
。雖然有些戲評認為這場秀很可笑,但野牛比爾卻受到讚賞,因為他的演出是根據自身的真實經驗;第二年,野牛比爾開始有他自己的旗下演員,並稱為「野牛比爾聯盟」 (Buffalo
Bill Combination) 。1883年,他想出了
西大荒劇 (Wild
West) ,這是一場富有教育性及娛樂性的戶外表演。當野牛比爾的西大荒劇來到鎮上演出,造成了大轟動。鎮上居民
舉行遊行 (請參見影片) ,遊行隊伍包括了牛仔、印第安人、騎兵及四輪馬車。
After his trip to New York, Buffalo Bill went home to Nebraska but decided to try his hand at show business. Ned Buntline adapted the play and together they produced the show, The Scouts of the Plains. Although some critics thought the show was ridiculous, Buffalo Bill was praised because his acting was based on genuine experience. The following year Buffalo Bill organized his own troop of players, called the Buffalo Bill Combination. In 1883, he came up with the idea for the Wild West show. It was an outdoor spectacle designed to educate and entertain. When Buffalo Bill's Wild West show came to town, it was a big deal. There would be a parade, like the one in this film, which included cowboys, Indians, soldiers on horseback, and horse-drawn carriages.