
West Show)廣告海報

當筆名為內德邦特萊因 (Ned
Buntline) 的愛德華贊卡羅爾賈德森 (E.Z.C.
Judson) 在1869年夏季遇見野牛比爾時,
novel」(單本售價為10美分的小型平裝本) ,他創造了「野牛比爾」並讓他成為他的書中英雄;這些故事使得野牛比爾聞名東部,因而當他造訪紐約時,他看到以他的冒險經驗為藍本的一齣戲。
William F. "Buffalo Bill" Cody was an accomplished Indian scout and buffalo hunter when E.Z.C. Judson, a writer who went by the name of Ned Buntline, met him in the summer of 1869. Judson wrote western stories and what were known as "dime novels" (small paperback books that sold for 10 cents.) He helped create "Buffalo Bill" and made him the hero in a number of his books. These stories made Buffalo Bill famous in the East and when he went to New York for a visit, he saw a play based on his adventures.