
Bill's Wild West and Congress of Rough Riders of the World)海報,1899

1887年,野牛比爾在紐約市麥迪森花園廣場 (Madison
Square Garden) 上演的秀總共動員了100位印第安人、美國神槍手安妮奧克莉 (Annie
Oakley) 、特技騎士、套繩者、射手及各式各樣的野生動物
In 1887, Buffalo Bill's show performed at Madison Square Garden in New York City with 100 Indians, Annie Oakley, trick riders, ropers, and shooters as well as many different wild animals. The show was four hours long and included Indian war dances and an "attack" on a stagecoach. The show even went on tour to England and Europe. It was such a success that Queen Victoria saw it three times. Even after Buffalo Bill died in 1917, the Wild West shows continued.