弗雷德裏克道格拉斯 (Frederick
Douglass) 曾告訴一群來自於馬里蘭州托伯郡 (Talbot
County) 的非裔美籍學生說:「我能做的事,您也能做。不要因為您的膚色而認為您無法成就任何事情。認真努力的增加您的知識,只要您仍是一個無知的人,您就無法獲得同儕的尊敬。」出生時名為弗雷德裡克奧古斯塔斯華盛頓貝利 (Frederick
Augustus Washington Bailey) ,母親身為奴隸,而父親是一位他永遠不知道的白人;弗雷德裏克道格拉斯長大後成為廢奴運動的領導者及第一位曾在美國政府擔任高職的黑人公民(曾任美國外交使節及美國駐海地公使兼總領事)。
Frederick Douglass once told a group of African American students from a school in Talbot County, Maryland, "What was possible for me is possible for you. Do not think because you are colored you cannot accomplish anything. Strive earnestly to add to your knowledge. So long as you remain in ignorance, so long will you fail to command the respect of your fellow men." Born Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey to a slave mother and a white father he never knew, Frederick Douglass grew up to become a leader in the abolitionist movement and the first black citizen to hold high rank (as U.S. minister and consul general to Haiti) in the U.S. government.