
(Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave)

您能相信弗雷德裏克道格拉斯一生的命運完全掌控在一位火車隨車服務員的手中嗎?道格拉斯在他1881年出版的自傳「弗雷德裡克道格拉斯的生平與時代」 (Life
and Times of Frederick Douglass) 中,描述他在一列巴爾的摩市出發,開往費城的火車上的大膽脫逃行動。在旅程中,道格拉斯身穿紅襯衫、頭戴帆布製帽子並在脖子上鬆鬆地綁了一條黑色圍巾,將自己偽裝成一名水手。另外,他也必須讓自己聽起來就像是個水手「我對船及水手行話的瞭解幫了我很大的忙,因為我對船知之甚詳,從它的內龍骨到它的桅頂橫桁,我無一不知。而且跟水手說話時,我聽起來就像一位老水手」;除了偽裝外,您認為道格拉斯還需要些什麼?
Can you believe that a train conductor held the fate of Frederick Douglass's entire life in his hands? Douglass described his daring escape on a train ride from Baltimore to Philadelphia in his autobiography, Life and Times of Frederick Douglass (1881). For the journey, Douglass disguised himself as a sailor wearing a red shirt, a tarpaulin hat, and a black scarf tied loosely around his neck. He also had to be able to talk like a sailor. "My knowledge of ships and sailor's talk came much to my assistance, for I knew a ship from stem to stern, and from keelson to cross-trees, and could talk sailor like an 'old salt.'" Besides a disguise, what else do you think Douglass needed?
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