絃樂器(Stringed Instruments)
在演奏鄉村及西部鄉村音樂 (country
and blue grass music) 時,樂團都會彈奏如吉他、五絃琴、小提琴、直立式低音樂器及曼陀林等絃樂器,但您知道在幾年前,樂團也會彈奏用葫蘆製成的相同樂器嗎?葫蘆是一種外殼堅硬、外形圓胖的水果。在大蕭條時期,人們買不起店內的樂器,所以他們只好自己製作。照片內的國王家庭 (King
family) 正在彈奏一般的樂器,但他們也彈奏自製的葫蘆樂器。您可以聆聽這段利用葫蘆樂器所演奏的音樂錄音;這些樂器的聲音聽起來跟專業製樂器有什麼不同?
In country and bluegrass music, the band plays stringed instruments like the guitar, banjo, fiddle, stand-up bass, and mandolin, but did you know that years ago, a band might play these same instruments made out of gourds? Gourds are hard-shelled, round-shaped fruits. During the Great Depression, people couldn't afford store-bought instruments so they made their own. Although the King family in this photo is playing regular instruments, they also played on home-made gourd instruments, which you can hear in this sound recording. How do these instruments sound different from professionally made instruments?
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出處: Hemmig, Robert, photographer. "King Family Playing Music." Undated photograph. Voices from the Dust Bowl: the Charles L. Todd and Robert Sonkin Migrant Worker Collection, 1940-1941, Library of Congress. AUDIO CREDIT: King family, performers. "Girl I Left Behind Me." September 2, 1941. Voices from the Dust Bowl: the Charles L. Todd and Robert Sonkin Migrant Worker Collection, 1940-1941, Library of Congress.