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See, Hear and Sing 卡通片
Opening screen of “You're the Animator” game



一旦您的卡通已經編排完成、填入插圖並錄好音樂及聲音後,就可以準備成為動畫了;動畫必須與對話完美搭配,而且播放速度要正確無誤,這樣影片看起來才會非常流暢;人的眼睛所能接受的最低畫面速率為每秒24(fps);任何低於24 fps的播放速率都會讓您的影片看來閃爍不定,就像使用16 fps所拍攝完成的舊式無聲影片一般;將來您想不想創造屬於自己的卡通?

Once you had your cartoon written, illustrated, and the music and voices recorded, it would be ready for animation. The animation must be perfectly matched to the dialog, and the filming must be at the right speed to appear smooth to the human eye. The minimum frame rate at which your eye can perceive smooth movement is 24 frames per second (fps). Any less than that and your movie would appear to flicker, like old, silent movies filmed at only 16 fps. Would you like to make your own cartoons some day?

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出處: Lamolinara, Guy; Loring, Jennifer; Purvis, Chris; Renard, Chad; Sayers, John; et. al. "You're the Animator" flash game. 2004. Public Affairs Office, Library of Congress.