
Phable of a Busted Romance),1915年
由於動畫及影片的結合,我們得以一窺奇妙、古怪的卡通世界。1896年時,梅裡葉 (George
Melies) 向人們展示了快速投射一系列動作稍微改變的圖畫,就能產生物體行動錯覺的技巧;十年後,影片開始使用動畫圖畫,而瘋狂貓 (Krazy
Kat) 、腓力貓 (Felix
the Cat) 、米老鼠 (Mickey
Mouse) 及邦尼兔 (Bugs
Bunny) 與世人見面早晚只是時間早晚的問題。隨著有聲影片問世,動畫角色也開始澎湃發展。現在的星期六早上如果少了我們最愛的卡通,就不是我們印象中的星期六早晨了。
With the combination of animation and film, the wonderful, wacky world of cartoons was born. In 1896, George Melies demonstrated that objects could be set in motion by rapidly projecting a series of drawings with slight progressive changes. Ten years later, animated drawings were introduced to film and it was only a matter of time before the world met Krazy Kat, Felix the Cat, Mickey Mouse, and a "rascally rabbit" named Bugs Bunny. With the development of sound in film, the world of animated characters took flight. Now, Saturday mornings just wouldn't be the same without our favorite cartoons.
