
印象派的魅力 (The
Charm of Impressionism) ,布朗 (Marlene
Brown Woodfield) 製

您看見的拼布由布朗 (Marlene
Brown) 所縫製,
Lands' End 拼布競賽的州冠軍。布朗如此描述她的拼布:「我透過這個拼布來詮釋卡爾 (Frederick
Carl) 的印象油畫作品-花園中的少女 (Lady
in a Garden) 。這是一項當代魅力的拼布。它使用了906片不同的布,而且沒有任何一塊布重複使用。」如此,得勝的拼布等於是一個古典畫作的現代版本。如果您想要縫製一件拼布,它看起來會像什麼?
The quilt you see here, made by Marlene Brown, was the 1994 Indiana State Winner of the Lands' End Quilt Contest. She describes her quilt: "This is my interpretation of Frederick Carl Frieseke's impressionistic oil painting 'Lady in a Garden.' . . . This is a contemporary charm quilt. This quilt has 906 different fabrics with no fabric used twice." In this case, the winning quilt is a modern version of a classical painting. If you were to make a quilt, what would it look like?
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