

美國人使用拼布保暖已長達數代。19世紀時很流行將碎布排列成幾何圖型,然後將它們縫製成床罩的拼布手藝 (Patchwork
quilting) 。縫紉或拼布不只是為了使布層相接,也帶有裝飾的功能。時至今日,美國仍很流行拼布。您曾經看過拼布嗎?
Quilting is the process of taking two pieces of fabric, putting a layer of wool, cotton, or stuffing in-between, and stitching them together. People all over the world, from China to Africa to Europe, have been quilting clothing and blankets for centuries.
In America, quilts have been keeping people warm for generations. Patchwork quilting--taking scraps of cloth arranged in geometric designs and then quilting them to make a bed cover--became very popular in the 19th century. The stitching or quilting not only keeps the layers together, but also adds a decorative element. Quilting is still very popular in America today. Have you ever seen a quilt?
