
Memorial Quilt)

拼布常是用來紀念人或事件。史上最大的拼布就是著名的愛滋病紀念拼布 (AIDS
Memorial Quilt) 。1987年時,有一小群人決定要製做一條拼布來紀念死於愛滋病的朋友及鍾愛之人。每個方塊都代表一個人。十一年後,已經縫製了超過41,000塊方塊。愛滋病紀念拼布實在是太大了,以致於無法完整展示在世人面前,因此,它被拆開來並分別懸掛在世界各地的學校、圖書館和公共場所。
Quilts are often created to remember people or events. One famous quilt is the AIDS Memorial Quilt, the largest quilt ever made. In 1987, a small group of people decided to make a quilt to remember their friends and loved ones who had died of AIDS. Each square represents one person. Eleven years later, more than 41,000 panels had been made. The AIDS quilt is so large that it can no longer be shown together in one piece, so parts of the quilt are displayed in schools, libraries, and public places around the world.
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