
科羅拉多州德爾塔郡 (Delta) ,1940年

今天,州和郡展覽會多半帶有農業氣息,在此都會人士可以體驗鄉村生活,而在鄉村長大的孩子,也能藉機炫耀他們的耕作和工藝技藝。生活在鄉村的男孩和女孩時常參加四健會俱樂部 (4-H
Club) ,他們能在俱樂部中試著飼養家畜、種植自己的蔬菜和花朵。每年,人們都會帶著他們的動物及工藝品參加競賽,希望能贏得「展中之最」 (best
of show) 藍絲帶。展覽會中還有什麼活動?
Today, state and county fairs tend to have an agricultural flavor, where city folk can get a taste of country life and children who grow up in the country can show off their farming and craft skills. Boys and girls in rural areas often take part in 4-H Clubs, where they can try raising their own farm animals, vegetables, and flowers. Each year people enter into competitions with their animals and crafts in hopes of winning a blue ribbon for "best of show." What else is there at a fair?
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