
County Fair)

美國的州和郡展覽會根源於古代。最早的展覽會,如西班牙征服者在現今的墨西哥市所舉辦的「偉大阿芝特克人 (Aztec) 市集」,即是用來解決分配的問題。
American state and county fairs have their roots in ancient times. The earliest fairs, such as the great Aztec market that Spanish conquistadors found on the present-day site of Mexico City, were created to solve problems of distribution. Historically, fairs were located on major trade routes and gave people the chance to show off their skills and crafts, and sell or trade their goods. In the days when people did not travel much, fairs were also an opportunity to see different areas and socialize with others. What goes on at state fairs today?
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