帝國大廈 (The
Empire State Buildingg) 開放了
驕傲的聳立在紐約市第五大道與第34街的路口,帝國大廈擁有102層樓,1454英尺高。因為克萊斯勒與通用汽車兩家公司之間的競爭,後者的老闆約翰‧傑柯布‧拉斯科布 (John
Jacob Raskob) 以及前紐約州州長阿福瑞得‧史密斯 (Alfred
E. Smith) 兩人共同資助興建這棟大樓。整個工程於1930年正式開始,帝國大廈的鋼鐵結構以不可思議的速度,每星期增加四又二分之一層樓的高度興建著。這棟大樓只花了一年又45天就興建完成。頂樓本來是用來停泊飛船,因為在1930年代,人們認為飛船將是未來在空中旅行的交通工具,現在則被用來當成電視塔。
Standing proud on the corner of Fifth Avenue and 34th Street in New York City, the Empire State Building has 102 stories and reaches a height of 1,454 feet. Motivated by a competition between the leaders of Chrysler and General Motors, John Jacob Raskob of General Motors and Alfred E. Smith, a former governor of New York, formed a corporation to finance the building. Construction started in 1930. The steel framework of the Empire State Building rose to the sky at an incredible rate of 4 and 1/2 stories per week. The building's construction was completed in a phenomenal one year and forty-five days! The mast on top, now a TV tower, was originally a mooring for dirigibles, or airships, which in the 1930s were considered to be the future of air travel.
Have you or members of your family visited the Empire State Building? What is the tallest building you have ever been to the top of? What did you see?
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