帝國大廈 (The
Empire State Building) 開放了
如果你看過「金剛」這部電影,你或許會記得這隻巨猿爬的那棟建築物。帝國大廈在1931年5月1日正式對外開放。賀柏特‧胡佛 (Herbert
Hoover) 總統在華盛頓特區按下啟動鈕之後,馬上就有許多燈光照向這棟世界最高的摩天大樓。在那之前,世界最高的建築物是793英尺高的沃爾沃夫大樓 (Woolworth
Building) 。現在美國最高的大樓是位在芝加哥有110層樓高的西爾斯百貨公司大樓 (Sears
Tower) 。
If you have ever seen the movie "King Kong," you may remember the building that the giant ape climbs. The Empire State Building officially opened on this day in history, May 1, 1931. President Herbert Hoover pressed a button in Washington, D.C., and on came the lights in the world's tallest skyscraper. Before that, the tallest was the Woolworth Building at only 793 feet. Now, the tallest building in the United States is the 110-story Sears Tower in Chicago.
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