

最長的一日 (D-Day)
美國與英國入侵法國的行動是一項最高機密,稱之為「大君主行動」 (Operation
Overload) 。當美、英聯軍於月6日在諾曼地登陸時,每一位士兵的目標都是要迫使德軍撤退。在這次的行動中,有上萬名士兵喪生,這些士兵或是遭到大海吞噬,或是死於德軍槍火之下。但是有夠多的士兵拚命在夜晚攀上懸崖,而英、美聯軍最終才收復一小部分遭到納粹佔領的法國領土。
The American and British invasion of France was a top-secret mission called "Operation Overlord." When they landed on the beaches of Normandy on June 6, the goal of every soldier was to drive the German military back. Thousands of men died during that effort, either in the churning waves of the sea or by German gunfire. But enough soldiers struggled up onto the bluffs that, by nightfall, American and British forces had conquered a small area of Nazi-occupied France.
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