最長的一日 (D-Day)
美國介入大戰的時間相當長,從1941年一直到1945年戰爭結束才停止。因此,那個時期的音樂作品與電影也都與戰爭有關。因為有許多男士都必須入伍參戰,因此許多婦女就到工廠裡工作賺錢。問問你的父母或祖父母,看他們記不記得在戰爭期間曾經看過相關的電影,例如「蘿西與鉚釘槍」 (Rosie
and Riveter) 。
During the Second World War, Germany, Italy and Japan were our enemies. The war effort involved thousands of men and women, both fighting abroad and working at home around the clock to build weapons and machines and to raise money. Food, metal, and gasoline were rationed during this time. Ordinary people grew "victory gardens" and saved everything from tin foil to hairpins.
America's involvement in the war lasted a long time--from 1941 to 1945--so music and movies at the time were often about the war. Because so many men were fighting as soldiers, many women worked in factories. Ask your parents or grandparents whether they remember seeing posters from the wartime, like Rosie the Riveter.
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