北非諜影 (Casablanca) 首映,同盟國的遠征軍 (Expeditionary
Forces) 也登陸北非
卡薩布蘭加市在杜威‧愛森豪 (Dwight
Eisenhower) 將軍發動「火炬行動」 (Operation
Torch) 的時候,遭受到數次的轟炸。不過六個星期之後,也就是1943年的1月,法蘭克林‧羅斯福 (Franklin
D. Roosevelt) 總統與英國首相溫斯頓‧邱吉爾在這裡召開卡薩布蘭加會議。他們在這裡討論發展出一套軍事策略,並且決議德國、義大利,與日本必須無條件投降。在那個時候,「北非諜影」可說是一部反納粹的電影,擔綱主演的主角為亨佛萊‧鮑嘉 (Humphrey
Bogart) 與英格麗‧褒曼 (Ingrid
Bergman) 。這部電影共贏得1943年的奧斯卡最佳影片、最佳指導,以及最佳攝影獎。這部電影也搭配了情歌當時間飛逝 (As
Times Goes By) 。這首歌一開始是這樣唱的:「你必須要記得現在」,是由夜總會的鋼琴師山姆所演奏的。如果你還沒有看過這部電影,去租來看。如果你看過了,你可能會想要說「彈吧,山姆!」
The city of Casablanca suffered severe bombardment during General Dwight Eisenhower's "Operation Torch." Six weeks later, in January 1943, however, President Franklin D. Roosevelt and British leader Winston Churchill met there for the Casablanca Conference. There they developed a single military strategy and decided Germany, Italy, and Japan must surrender unconditionally. At the time, the movie "Casablanca" was a compelling anti-Nazi film, starring Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman. It won Oscars for Best Picture, Best Direction and Best Screenplay of 1943. It also featured the beloved song "As Time Goes By," which begins, "You must remember this," as performed by the café's pianist, Sam. If you haven't seen it, rent it. If you have, you might want to "Play it, Sam."
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