北非諜影 (Casablanca) 首映,同盟國的遠征軍 (Expeditionary
Forces) 也登陸北非
Blaien)結束在西班牙與法西斯主義 (Fascism) 的對抗後,到卡薩布蘭加市定居。他在那裡開了一間叫做
Café American」
的夜總會 (而RicksPlace也成為二次大戰期間,卡薩布蘭加市的軍事代號。) 當瑞克的前愛人伊爾莎(Ilsa)和她擔任法國抵抗軍領袖的先生一同到達瑞克的夜總會時,老闆瑞克決定幫助他們逃走。電影結束的時候,瑞克與伊爾莎都想要犧牲自己,讓對方得到更好的生活,也就是遠離法西斯主義的愛情。當盟國入侵卡薩布蘭加的行動刺激了這部電影的票房,「北非諜影」也在劇情裡強調自由的可貴,以及犧牲小我的重要性。在瑞克向伊爾莎道別的這一幕裡,瑞克說出這句最有名的道別語:「我並不擅長表現的崇高,但是在這個瘋狂的世界裡,有個問題是很清楚的,那就是我們這三個小人物並不能改變一切。總有一天,你會瞭解這句話的意思。讓我再看你一眼,寶貝。」
In the film, hero Rick Blaine settles in Casablanca after fighting fascism (a dictatorship) in Spain. He opens up a nightclub called "Rick's Café American." ("Rick's Place" became World War II military code for the city of Casablanca.) When Rick's former lover, Ilsa, arrives at his café with her French Resistance leader husband, the club owner helps them escape. By film's end, Rick and Ilsa have given up each other to serve a greater good--freedom from fascism. Just as the Allied invasion of Casablanca advanced box office sales, so the film "Casablanca" reinforced the war effort by underscoring the value of freedom and the importance of personal sacrifice. As Rick says to Ilsa in the famous farewell scene, "I'm not good at being noble, but it doesn't take much to see that the problems of three little people don't amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world. Someday you'll understand that. Here's looking at you, kid."
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