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Jump Back in Time 獨立戰爭期間 (1764-1789)
Photo of snow-covered Little Belt Mountain
路易斯與克拉克穿越小帶山的諸多山丘,這裡現在成為路易斯與克拉克國家森林 (蒙大拿)

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探險家瑪利威瑟路易斯 (Meriwether Lewis) 出生

路易斯與克拉克兩人一同進行了長達三年的探險遠征行動,並詳細記錄了旅途中的發現。在1806年回到密蘇里州的聖路易士 (St. Louis) 之前,他們穿越了北達科塔、蒙大拿,以及華盛頓等地。他們的日誌記錄在1809年出版,對未知的領地創造了許多驚喜,同時也幫助東部居民克服他們對於跨越密西西比河東岸的恐懼。你是否曾經發現過沒有其他人知道的地方?你有告訴其他人或者是把那個地方當成你的秘密基地呢?

Together, Lewis and Clark kept a detailed journal of their three-year expedition. They crossed the country traveling through North Dakota, Montana, and Washington before returning to St. Louis, Missouri, in 1806. Their journals, published in 1809, created much excitement about the unknown area and helped Easterners get over their fears of traveling west beyond the Mississippi. Have you ever discovered a place that no one else knew about? Did you tell anyone about it or did you keep it as your secret place?
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