

探險家瑪利威瑟‧路易斯 (Meriwether
Lewis) 出生
路易斯是在蒙地捨羅 (Monticello) 附近長大的,那也是湯瑪斯‧傑佛遜的故鄉。當傑佛遜在1801年成為美國總統的時候,路易斯是他的私人秘書。兩年之後,傑佛遜要求路易斯率領一組人勘察「路易斯安那購買合約」所取得的土地 (Louisiana
Purchase) —這是美國在1803年從法國取得最大的一塊土地。
Lewis grew up in the woods near Monticello, Thomas Jefferson's home, and when Jefferson became president in 1801, Lewis became his private secretary. Two years later Jefferson asked Lewis to lead an exploration of the Louisiana Purchase--the large piece of land that the U.S. acquired from France in 1803.
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