北極探險家羅伯特‧培利 (Robert
E. Peary) 出生
作為一個工程師,培利的第一份工作是到溫暖的熱帶地區,而不是到冰冷的北方工作。在中美洲的尼加拉瓜工作時,他和他的非裔美籍助理馬修‧韓森 (Matthew
Henson) 一共工作,後來韓森成為他最能夠信任的夥伴,並且一同前往北極探險。他們逐步前往最北的目標。
An engineer, Peary was sent on his first job to the warm tropics rather than the icy northland. In Nicaragua, in Central America, he brought along his African-American assistant, Matthew Henson who became such a trusted companion that the two men traveled together on all of Peary's expeditions. Together, they took steps toward their northernmost goal.
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