北極探險家羅伯特‧培利 (Robert
E. Peary) 出生
生於1856年月6日的羅伯特‧培利在他還是小孩子的時候,就夢想著要到人稱「世界的屋頂」的冰冷北極探險。當時他們沒有保暖的防水透氣外套,也沒有太空人穿的特殊服飾,更不用說行動電話或者是高級的導航裝置,但是羅伯特‧培利和他的助手麥特‧韓森 (Matt
Henson) 在1905年出發前往北極,進行了第一次的探險。在那之前,從來沒有人到達過北極。的確,培利花了許多年的時間,才讓這次的探險能夠成行。
Even as a boy, Robert E. Peary, born on May 6, 1856, dreamed of exploring the "roof of the world," the frozen Arctic north. They had no parkas or space-age fabrics and no cell phones or advanced navigational devices, but Robert E. Peary and his assistant, Matt Henson, set out to reach the North Pole for the first time in 1905. No one had been there before. Indeed, it took Peary years to put the expedition together.
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