歐提司 (Otis) 開始了電梯工業
歐提司決定要作一個公開的展示。他爬上他架設在紐約「水晶宮」 (Crystal
Palace) 的電梯上方,當電梯升到最高點時,他下令切斷纜繩。當人們看到歐提司的安全煞車系統讓電梯不會往下掉的時候,才瞭解他的發明是很重要的。雖然到了1856年,歐提司總共只架設了27部電梯,但是他的成就卻開啟了載客電梯的工業。全世界第一部安全載客電梯在1857年被裝設在紐約的一家商店裡,以每分鐘40英尺的速度上升。和現在的電梯相比,你覺得有什麼不同呢?
Otis staged a public demonstration. He climbed on top of his elevator in New York's Crystal Palace exhibition, and while hoisted to the ceiling, ordered the rope cut. Seeing how his safety brake kept him from falling, people realized the importance of his invention. Though in 1856, Otis's sales totaled just 27 elevators, his performance launched the passenger elevator industry. The world's first safety elevator for passengers, installed in 1857 in a New York store, rose at a speed of 40 feet per minute. How does that compare to today's elevators?
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