
電梯—這個歐提司的新發明讓人們能到達比以往更高的地方 (圖中是在Lord
& Taylor百貨公司裡的電梯)

歐提司 (Otis) 開始了電梯工業
如果沒有愛利夏‧葛瑞夫‧歐提司 (Elisha
Graves Otis) 的發明,摩天大樓永遠不可能被建好。你知道這項發明是什麼嗎?歐提司於1853年9月20日,在紐約揚克斯 (Yonkers) 市的哈德遜河岸邊開了一間小小工廠,專門生產搭配他最新發明的自動安全裝置--電梯。他剛談好了一筆新生意,有客戶訂做了兩部搭配新設備的運貨電梯,於是他放棄原先參加加州淘金潮的計畫。但是六個月之後,他卻沒有再接到第二件訂單。你知道他作了什麼嗎?
Skyscrapers could not have been built without Elisha Graves Otis's invention. Any guesses as to what that was? Otis opened a small factory on the banks of the Hudson River in Yonkers, New York, on September 20, 1853, to make elevators, fully equipped with his newly invented automatic safety device. Having received an order for two freight elevators with the new device, Otis abandoned his plans to join the California Gold Rush. But after six months, he hadn't received a second order. What do you think he did?
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