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Bancroft Hall, Annapolis Naval Academy.
安那波裡斯美國海軍官校的班克洛夫特會堂 (Bancroft Hall)

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美國海軍官校 (Navy Academy) 正式成立

海軍官校在1845年正式成立時,有些老海軍並不確定這間學校究竟是不是必要的。他們不知道水手能在學校裡學到什麼東西。大衛‧法拉格 (David Farragut) ,一個在船上受訓的資深海軍上將,他在學校開學前,對一名年輕的畢業生說:「現在你們知道怎麼拼阿帕拉契柯拉 (Apalachicola) 這個字嗎?一些來自安那波裡斯的受過教育的年輕傢伙一定知道!」

When the Naval Academy first opened in 1845, some of the Navy's old-timers weren't sure that the school was really necessary. What can a sailor learn in school, they wondered? One senior officer, Admiral David Farragut, who had received his training "on shipboard," before the Academy opened, remarked to a young graduate, "Now how the devil do you spell Apalachicola? Some of these educated young fellows from Annapolis must know!"
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