美國海軍官校 (Navy
Academy) 正式成立
美國在獨立革命戰爭期間組織了第一支海軍部隊。戰爭結束之後,海軍也被解散,但是在十年之內,喬治‧華盛頓總統就下令建造一批艦隊來保護美國商船,以免商船在公海上被海盜搶劫 (信不信由你) 。在海軍的這些船艦包括了星座號 (Constellation) 、立憲號 (Constitution) ,以及美國號 (United
States) 。
The United States first organized its naval forces during the Revolutionary War. After the war, the Navy was disbanded, but less than 10 years later, President George Washington ordered that a fleet of ships be constructed to protect merchant vessels from--believe it or not--pirates on the high seas. Among the ships in that first Navy were the Constellation, the Constitution, and the United States.
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