

伊萊亞.佩利許.洛夫喬伊 (Elijah
Parish Lovejoy) 被一群支持奴隸制度的暴民所殺
在1837年11月7日,伊萊亞.佩利許.落夫喬伊在保衛自己發行的、主張反奴隸制度的報紙--「聖路易士觀察家報」 (The
Saint Louis Observer) --發行處時,被一個支持奴隸制度的暴民所殺。他的死亡深深影響到許多北方民眾,並且讓他們更想要廢除奴隸制度。誰是洛夫喬伊,為什麼他的死亡會造成整個國家如此強烈的反應呢?
於1802年出生在緬因州艾爾邊地區的洛夫喬伊,在大學畢業後到中西部尋求他的人生。後來,他成為「聖路易士時報」 (The
St. Louis Times) 的編輯與合夥人。
On November 7, 1837, Elijah Parish Lovejoy was killed by a pro-slavery mob while defending the site of his anti-slavery newspaper, The Saint Louis Observer. His death deeply affected many Northerners and greatly strengthened the abolitionist (anti-slavery) cause. Who was Lovejoy and why did his death cause such a strong reaction around the country?
Lovejoy, born in 1802, in Albion, Maine, sought his fortune in the Midwest after his college graduation. Over time, he became editor and part-owner of The St. Louis Times.
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