
史考特少將,「夠講究且剛正不阿」( "Old Fuss and Feathers")

瓜達盧佩伊達戈條約 (Treaty
of Guadalupe Hidalgo) 在墨西哥市正式簽署
墨西哥戰爭的爆發,始於美國將德州納入自己的領土的爭議。美國與墨西哥都主張介於努伊瑟斯 (Nueces) 與裡格蘭德河 (Rio
Grande River) 之間的土地是屬於他們自己的。在1846年1月,波爾克總統下令泰勒將軍帶領軍隊前往這些爭議地區。當墨西哥軍隊攻擊泰勒部隊時,國會在1846年5月13日通過決議,向墨西哥宣戰。當史考特將軍在1847年9月14日佔領墨西哥市之後,這場戰爭才告平靜。
The Mexican War began with a dispute over the addition of Texas to the United States, since both Mexico and the U.S. claimed the area between the Nueces and Rio Grande rivers as their own. In January 1846, President James K. Polk ordered General Zachary Taylor to bring troops into the disputed area. When Mexican troops attacked Taylor's forces, Congress approved a declaration of war on Mexico on May 13, 1846. With the capture of Mexico City by General Winfield Scott on September 14, 1847, the fighting subsided.
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