

芬妮‧法默 (Fanny
Farmer) 出生
在她的食譜裡,法默對每一個步驟都有精確的指示 (例如要用1/8茶匙的鹽,而不是少量的鹽) ,因此,她的讀者都能烹調出令人滿意的佳餚。不過,以前食譜卻從來沒有寫得這麼仔細。法默同時也在波士頓廚藝學校 (Boston
Cooking School) 研發新的食譜並改進原有的食譜使其完美。她在學校裡本來只是一個很努力的學生,但是後來很快就成為學校的校長。當她做校長時,她把所有的食譜集結成「芬妮‧法默的食譜」這本書。你喜歡作菜嗎?芬妮‧法默讓作菜變得更簡單了。
In her recipes, Farmer gave exact measurements (like a 1/8 teaspoon of salt instead of a dash of salt), guaranteeing her readers reliable results. Recipes were not widely written this way before. She also originated and perfected recipes at the Boston Cooking School. She started there as a promising student and quickly became director of the school. She put together the Fannie Farmer Cookbook while she was director. Do you like to cook? Fannie Farmer made it easier.
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