芬妮‧法默 (Fanny
Farmer) 出生
濃郁的巧克力蛋糕、柔軟的燕麥餅、美味的肉餅、辛辣的起士醬——如果你曾經想過要找這些食物的食譜,或者是想作一些好吃的食物,你應該看看「芬妮‧法默的食譜」 (Fanny
Farmer Cookbook) 。芬妮‧美麗特‧法默 (Fanny
Merritt Farmer) 於1857年3月23日出生在波士頓,她的食譜與作菜指導,對美國人民作菜的方式影響很大。「芬妮‧法默的食譜」在1896年出版時,立刻成為暢銷經典著作,現在已經出到第13版了,仍然相當受歡迎。你的廚房有沒有這本食譜呢?這本食譜獨特之處到底在哪裡呢?
Rich chocolate cake, chewy oatmeal cookies, savory meatloaf, spicy cheese dip--if you're ever looking for one of these recipes, or any number of delicious food creations, try looking in the Fannie Farmer Cookbook. Born on March 23, 1857, Bostonian Fannie Merritt Farmer greatly influenced the way Americans cook through her books and instruction. The Fannie Farmer Cookbook was an immediate classic when it was published in 1896. Now in its 13th edition, it's still a popular cookbook. Do you have one in your kitchen? What makes this cookbook unique?
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