海軍准將喬治‧杜威 (George
Dewey) 出生
在杜威於1899年凱旋歸來時,美國國民在陸地上與海上舉辦遊行,杜威的支持者以熱情慶祝他的勝利。你怎麼描述你的英雄呢?在一場為杜威將軍與杜威夫人所舉辦的歡迎會上,一位將軍說道:「在戰爭的砲火吵雜聲與煙霧瀰漫之中,我們看到一個巨大的身影,既冷靜又威嚴,沈著又有自信….那是一個海軍英雄,他的成就讓人充滿敬佩與感激,那都已經永遠銘記在我們的心中。」而當時的演說佳約書雅‧賽拖 (Josiah
T. Settle) 也描述紐約這場歡迎會是「無邊際的完全感染…比歷史上其他人得到的歡迎都更加狂熱。」你對你的英雄是不是也有相同的感覺呢?
With parades on water and land, Dewey fans celebrated with wild enthusiasm when he made his triumphant homecoming in 1899. How do you describe your hero? In one flowery tribute at a reception put on for Admiral and Mrs. Dewey, an admirer declared, "From out of the din and smoke of battle there arose a colossal figure, calm and majestic, cool and self-reliant . . . a naval hero, the splendor and brilliancy of whose achievement have written on the eternal tablet of fame." The speaker, Josiah T. Settle, also described the New York homecoming as an "unlimited display of loyal affection . . . greater than was ever shown before to any other man." Do you feel this way about your hero?
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