海軍准將喬治‧杜威 (George
Dewey) 出生
在六個小時之內,杜威的六艘軍艦,包括一艘由格立德雷上校 (Captain
Gridley) 掌舵的旗艦「奧林匹雅號」 (U.S.S.
Olympia) 擊沈了西班牙艦隊的所有船隻。而美國軍隊這邊只有少數士兵受傷,但沒人戰死。在1898年8月13日,美國軍隊佔領馬尼拉,讓美國更接近美西戰爭的最後勝利。杜威讓美國成為世界主要的海上強權。取得菲律賓之後,美國在太平洋地區成為強勢的角色。杜威准將成為全國的英雄。
Within six hours, Dewey's squadron of six ships, including the flagship U.S.S. Olympia with Captain Gridley at the helm, had sunk every ship in the Spanish fleet. There were few casualties and no loss of lives on the American side. On August 13, 1898, U.S. troops occupied Manila, bringing the United States closer to an ultimate victory in the Spanish-American War. Dewey brought the U.S. recognition as a major naval power. The acquisition of the Philippines gave the United States a strong presence in the Pacific. Commodore Dewey became a national hero.
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