
紮卡裏‧泰勒將軍騎在愛馬 (老白,Old
Whitey) 上的英姿

(Battle of Buena
一個來自俄亥俄的製鞋匠薩慕爾‧麥克尼爾 (Samuel
McNeil) 曾經描寫泰勒將軍在戰場上的英勇表現:「我必須提到一件發生在那裡的事件,那足以代表泰勒將軍在戰場上冷靜的表現。他看到一顆小砲彈朝他直直飛來,他不但沒有驅馬離開,反而冷靜的抬起馬鐙,讓砲彈從他自己和馬鞍中間穿過。」
布宜納‧威斯塔戰爭結束後,泰勒將軍並沒有繼續追擊聖塔‧安那將軍,但是幾個月之後,這位墨西哥將軍被另一位美國將軍溫費爾德‧史考特 (Winfield
Scott) 所逮捕。
Samuel McNeil, an Ohio shoemaker, wrote of General Taylor's bravery on the battlefield, "I must mention one circumstance that happened there, which shows the extraordinary coolness of Gen. Z. Taylor in battle. He saw a small cannon ball coming directly towards his person. Instead of spurring [his horse] 'Old Whitey' out of its way, he coolly rose in his very short stirrups and permitted the ball to pass between his person and the saddle."
General Taylor did not pursue General Santa Anna after the Battle of Buena Vista, but General Winfield Scott of the American Army caught up with the Mexican general a few months later.
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