(Battle of Buena
在1847年2月23日,有1萬4千名墨西哥士兵對紮卡裏‧泰勒 (Zachary
Tylor) 將軍帶領的小型部隊發動進攻。由於有砲火上的優勢,泰勒將軍這支只有5000人的部隊成功擊退由安東尼奧‧羅培茲‧聖塔‧安那 (Antonio
Lopez de Santa Anna) 將軍率領的墨西哥軍隊。在夜晚降臨時,墨西哥軍隊撤退了,雖然這意味著布宜納‧威斯塔之戰的結束,但美墨戰爭卻仍然持續著。
布宜納‧威斯塔戰爭是在墨西哥北方的蒙特瑞 (Monterrey) 進行。美國與墨西哥的戰爭並不是為了獨立或其他政治因素,而是為了爭奪更多領土。泰勒將軍正是參與這類戰爭的主要人物。
On February 23, 1847, 14,000 Mexican troops charged General Zachary Taylor's small command of soldiers. Using heavy artillery, the general's 5,000 men turned back the Mexican army led by General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna. By nightfall, the Mexican army retreated, ending the Battle of Buena Vista, but not the Mexican-American War.
The Battle of Buena Vista was fought near Monterrey in northern Mexico. The American war with Mexico was not for independence or for political reasons but to obtain more land. General Taylor was just the man to fight that sort of war.
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