約翰‧布朗 (John Brown) 佔據哈普斯渡口
雖然這群人在夜晚突襲時佔有上風,但是他們的優勢並沒有持續多久。隔天晚上,這群叛亂者被擋在引擎室前。第三天,羅伯特‧李 (Robert
E. Lee) 上校的軍隊攻破他們的防線,並且將布朗逮捕。因為布朗的突襲行動,他很快就被審判,被控觸犯謀殺罪,奴隸叛亂罪,以及叛國罪,而被判處絞刑。布朗在這場叛變中失去兩個兒子,但是為了反對奴隸制度,他願意犧牲任何東西,包括自己的生命。
With the nighttime surprise, the raiders had the upper hand. But that didn't last long. By the next evening, the conspirators were holed-up in an engine house. The next day Colonel Robert E. Lee's troops stormed the building and Brown was caught. For his actions, he was quickly tried and convicted of murder, slave insurrection, and treason against the state and sentenced to death by hanging. He had lost two sons in the raid. But John Brown was willing to give everything, even his life, in the fight against slavery.
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