約翰‧布朗 (John Brown) 佔據哈普斯渡口
在1859年10月16日的深夜,趁著眾人都在熟睡時,約翰‧布朗帶著21名武裝夥伴潛入維吉尼亞州哈普斯渡口 (現在屬於西維吉尼亞州) 的小鎮裡。他們一共抓了60位當地重要人物當作人質,並且佔領了鎮上的美國軍火庫與來福槍製造工廠。為什麼他們要這樣做呢?這群人裡有三個自由的黑人、有一個被釋放的奴隸,還有一個逃亡的奴隸,他們希望能夠喚起那些被釋放的奴隸共同叛變,並且領導一批「解放軍」。他們想要透過武力解決奴隸制度的問題。
Late on the night of October 16, 1859, John Brown and 21 armed followers stole into the town of Harpers Ferry, Virginia (now part of West Virginia), as most of its residents slept. They took 60 prominent locals hostage and seized the town's United States arsenal and its rifle works. Why? The men--among them three free blacks, one freed slave, and one fugitive slave--hoped to spark a rebellion of freed slaves and to lead an "army of emancipation." They wanted to overturn the institution of slavery by force.
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