

約翰‧詹姆士‧奧杜邦 (John
James Audubon) 去世
奧杜邦喜歡將鳥類的實際大小畫出來。他曾經畫出和真正蜂鳥一樣大小的蜂鳥畫像,也曾畫出跟真的老鷹一樣大的老鷹畫像。在英格蘭的雕刻大師能夠按照奧杜邦「美國的鳥類」 (Birds
of America) 一書中的畫作複製出435種鳥類。這本書內有許多畫作都是與實物尺寸同樣大小的。這本書的第一版因為實在是太大了,所以被稱為「大象的書」 (elephant
folio) 。事實上,這也是國會圖書館裡最大的一本書,約有39.37英吋高。你有沒有想要畫哪一種鳥類或動物呢?如果你依照真實大小來畫,是不是能將這種鳥類或動物畫在一張紙上呢?
Audubon liked to draw birds their actual size. He drew a hummingbird as small as a real hummingbird and an eagle as large as a real eagle. Master engravers in England were able to make 435 reproductions of his drawings for the book "Birds of America." Many of the drawings in the book are life-size. The first edition is known as the "elephant folio" because it is so big. In fact, it's the largest book in the Library of Congress, at 39.37 inches high. Is there a bird or animal that you would like to draw? If you drew it life-size, would it fit on a single sheet of paper?
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