約翰‧詹姆士‧奧杜邦 (John
James Audubon) 去世
當約翰‧詹姆士‧奧杜邦於1851年1月27日去世時,世界上許多愛鳥人士都覺得是一個大損失。奧杜邦是在海地聖多明哥的拉凱斯 (Les
Cayes) 出生,他是一個鳥類學家、藝術家,以及自然主義作家。奧杜邦在1785年很年輕時,就開始畫各種鳥類。從那之後,他的一生都被鳥類吸引住了。
奧杜邦成年之後,他四處旅行,最南曾到達佛羅里達群島 (Florida
Keys) ,最北曾到達加拿大的拉布拉多 (Labrador) 。他在旅行的途中研究並繪畫各種鳥類。他能畫任何一種鳥類,包括所有最細微的部分。很幸運的是,奧杜邦畫了數百幅的畫作。
When John James Audubon died on January 27, 1851, bird lovers around the world felt the loss. An ornithologist (person who studies birds), artist, and naturalist, Audubon was born in Les Cayes, Saint-Domingue (Haiti), in 1785 and began drawing birds when he was very young. Birds continued to fascinate him for the rest of his life.
As an adult, Audubon traveled as far south as the Florida Keys as well as north to Labrador, Canada, studying and drawing birds all along the way. He could draw any bird, down to the tiniest detail. And, lucky for us, he drew and painted hundreds of them.
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