
法蘭克‧洛伊‧賴特在1947年時向巴洛妮斯‧西拉‧瑞貝 (Baroness
Hilla Rebay) 展示古根漢博物館的模型

法蘭克‧洛伊‧賴特 (Frank
Lloyd Wright) 出生於1867年6月8日
賴特設計了紐約市的古根漢當代與傳統美術博物館 (Guggenheim
Museum of Modern and Conventional Art) 。這個摩登的結構與傳統博物館的設計截然不同。博物館的展示空間是以一個六層樓高的螺旋坡道來貫通,這個坡道環繞一個開放的中央空間,上頭還有一個玻璃圓頂。當賴特以90歲高齡去世時,他才剛剛設計完成一棟高約一英里的辦公大樓 (這棟大樓從沒被建造) 。你知道搭乘電梯要花多久時間才能到達這棟大樓的頂樓嗎?你有沒有看過法蘭克‧洛伊‧賴特所設計的建築物呢?
Wright designed the Guggenheim Museum of modern and contemporary art in New York City. This modern structure marked a bold departure from traditional museum design. Its exhibition space featured a spiraling six-story ramp, which encircled an open center space lit by a glass dome. When Wright died at ninety years of age, he had just finished the design for a mile-high office building (it was never built). How long do you think it would take an elevator to get to the top? Have you ever seen a building designed by Frank Lloyd Wright?
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